viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

INVERTED - (1991) Tales of Estaban DEMO


(1991) Tales of Estaban 

Gothenburg Death Metal act founded in 1991, debuting that year with the demo 'Tales Of Estaban'. INVERTED at that time featured singer Joakim Almgren, the guitarist pairing Mats Blomberg and Lars-Hakan Svensson, bass player Dan Bengtsson and drummer Kristian Hasselhuhn. Retaining the same band structure a second demo, 'Heaven Defied', preceded signature to the Wild Rags label for 1994's 'Revocation Of The Beast' EP. Switching labels to the Belgian Shiver imprint INVERTED cut the full length album 'Shadowland'. 

Inverted Tales of Estaban DEMO

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